Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thoq Keep Friend!

Thoq happy. Thoq want big stomper ride. Thoq wolf run away scared. Wolf no like Thoq ride. Thoq no understand. Thoq like ride wolf! Thoq go big stomper ride. Thoq see friend! Thoq fish friend! Thoq remember fish friend. Thoq help fish friend! Fish friend no like Thoq. No happy see Thoq. Thoq sad. Thoq try harder help! Thoq make fish friend like Thoq!

Fish Friend run away. Thoq no care. Thoq fast! Thoq follow. Fish friend squish horse. Thoq squish horse fish friend. Thoq like help!

Fish friend no happy. Thoq no know why fish friend no happy. Thoq squish all horse. Thoq help! Fish friend always grumpy. Thoq wonder why. Maybe Fish friend still no fish? Thoq no know. Thoq hungry. Thoq eat chicken!

Dead not dead ask blue elf cave. Make squish. Thoq help! Dead not dead happy Thoq help. Thoq like dead not dead. Thoq pet. Thoq careful no squish. Thoq no good help. Dead not dead dead! Thoq sad. Thoq wait Dead not dead no dead. Thoq happy! Thoq squish blue elf. Dead not dead happy. Thoq happy! Thoq sad fish friend no like Thoq help. Thoq try harder later.

Lady cow need Thoq help! Thoq go help lady cow friend. Lady cow friend happy Thoq help. Thoq squish bear. Thoq squish more bear. Thoq think many bear. Thoq wonder honey. Thoq like honey. Honey good chicken. Thoq ask bear honey. Bear no answer. Thoq squish bear. Bear still no honey. Thoq check.

Thoq see plant man. Plant man squishy. Thoq no talk. Thoq no green thumb. Thoq think Lady cow need RoundUp. Maybe Thoq send mail. Lady cow happy Thoq help. Dead not dead happy Thoq help. Why no Fish friend bull man happy Thoq help? Maybe Thoq need send apple.

Thoq check mail. No Leaf Lady chicken. Thoq sad. Thoq want chicken! Thoq all out.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Thoq Big News! Thoq Fly!

Thoq very happy. Ogre like Thoq. Kneel Thoq. Call Thoq King. Thoq like. Thoq go ogre. Thoq ask chicken. Ogre no chicken. Thoq sad. Ogre tell Thoq, "Thoq! Want fly?" Thoq want fly. THOQ WANT FLY! Ogre say, "Thoq! Costume! Then lion-bat no scared Thoq."

Thoq think brilliant. Thoq like. Thoq want fly. Thoq go ask costume. Thoq see blue tail. Thoq ask costume. Blue tail attack Thoq! Thoq no know why. Thoq squish blue tail. Blue tail no chicken. Thoq sad. New blue tail attack Thoq! Thoq shower! Why attack Thoq? Thoq squish blue tail. Thoq find costume! Blue tail costume. Thoq no care squish blue tail. Thoq squish blue tail. Blue tail dragon! Thoq suprised. Thoq hate dragon. Dragon squish ogre town. Thoq squish dragon. Thoq costume! Thoq happy.

Thoq custome. Thoq blue tail! Thoq ride lion-bat. Lion-bat no scared Thoq. Thoq soar. Thoq beautiful butterfly. Thoq leaf on wind. Thoq VERY happy.

Leaf lady whisper Thoq. Say "Thoq! What do?" Thoq say "Thoq fly!" Leaf Lady say "Thoq dangerous." Leaf Lady no chicken Thoq mail. Thoq too polite to remind. Thoq show ogre Thoq fly! Ogre say "Thoq king!" Thoq know. Thoq happy. Thoq fly.

Thoq no tired! Thoq fly! Thoq need Kodo, Thoq wolf scared run away.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Thoq new friend

Thoq learn fish! Thoq happy. Thoq food water. Thoq like sit fish. Thoq happy Thoq fish.

Bull man help Thoq fish. No smart bull man. Bull man try catch fish hand. No work. Scare fish. Thoq no fish. Thoq think bull man dumb. But bull man try help, so Thoq no care. Thoq eat apple. No chicken Leaf lady. Thoq sad.

Thoq think. Thoq help bull man! Thoq find bull man! Thoq help! Thoq squish before bull man hurt. Thoq pleased. Thoq like help. Bull man no happy. Say "Thoq! Why you squish dino?" Thoq say "Thoq help!" Bull man say "Thoq! Bull man need head." Thoq say "Head right there. Get!"

Bull man dumb. No get head. Thoq check dino. Head there. Thoq puzzled. Thoq help more! Bull man ask Thoq shiney. All Thoq shiney bank. Thoq still help! Thoq squish! Bull man no happy. Bull man talk funny. Bull man say Thoq talk funny, but bull man talk funny. Thoq guess bull man talk bull man. Maybe tell other bull man what good help Thoq is. Bull man say "UR keeping me from looting!" and "u could have killed me." Thoq ask other bull man later what mean.

Thoq tired. Thoq sleep. But Thoq tell Bull man that Thoq remember Bull man. Always come help Bull man just like Bull man help Thoq fish. Thoq long memory and easily entertained by bull man. Thoq make new best friend.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Thoq Get Chicken!

Thoq on fly balloon. Thoq no remember where Thoq going. Thoq rudderless. Thoq meet Long Tusk. Long Tusk tell Thoq, "Thoq! Chicken! Pink skin farm!" Thoq excited! Thoq like chicken. Thog get chicken. Thoq no Leaf Lady chicken. Thoq check. Thoq think maybe mail slow. Thoq know Leaf Lady promise Thoq Chicken.

Thoq long walk Pink Skin land. Thoq like long walk. Thoq like beach. Thoq long walk beach. Thoq no find lady Thoq. Thoq need snack. Thoq stop snack at Ogre. Ogre no have chicken. Thoq check.

Ogre no talk Thoq. Thoq no like. Thoq check chicken. Squish ogre no chicken. Still no talk Thoq. Thoq like chicken. Thoq want chicken! Thoq check ogre home. Thoq no find chicken. Thoq find dead blue elf. Thoq no squish dead blue elf. Thoq think dead blue elf look for chicken too. Thoq wait blue elf get up. Blue elf no get up. Blue elf dead. Blue elf no chicken. Thoq sad.

Thoq more walk. Thoq walk. Thoq walk. Thoq walk. Thoq see little man. Little man run away Thoq. Thoq no hurt little man. Thoq want give little man apple. Little man run away! Thoq run Little man. Little man fast! Little man run away. Little man scared Thoq. Thoq wonder why. Thoq gentle. Thoq no squish little man. Thoq hold gentle. Like egg. Chicken lay egg. Thoq like chicken! Thoq need chicken egg. Show little man Thoq gentle. Thoq go Chicken egg show little man. Thoq eat chicken. Chicken good.

Thoq find pink skin. Pink skin fight swoop bird. Thoq no like swoop bird. Thoq swoop bird taste bad. Thoq squish swoop bird. Pink skin happy. Pink skin bow. Thoq like pink skin. Thoq follow pink skin. Pink skin know chicken egg? Pink skin fight swoop bird. Thoq squish swoop bird. Pink skin bow. Thoq follow more. Thoq like bow Pink skin. Thoq wish more pink skin bow. No throw fruit Thoq no eat. No say "Goibon Uden Lo" Thoq no like Goibon Uden Lo.

Thoq find Squeekie. Squeekie dead. Thoq like Squeekie dead. No hurt Thoq feet step on Squeekie. Thoq wish more Squeekie dead. Thoq wait. Maybe more Squeekie come and Thoq squish. No more Squeekie come. Thoq sad. Thoq remember chicken! Thoq like Chicken! Thoq find Chicken!

Thoq excited. Chicken all squish. Thoq no mean squish. Thoq want pet chicken. Chicken squishy. Like elf. Like squeekie. Thoq sad. No chicken pet. Thoq ask when chicken back. Pink skin say "Thoq! Goibon Uden Lo!" Thoq no like Goibon Uden Lo. Thoq eat apple. Thoq out chicken. Thoq sad. When Leaf Lady Thoq chicken?!? Thoq want chicken!!

Thoq wait. Thoq see chicken! Thoq careful. Thoq no pet chicken. Chicken no like Thoq pet. Chicken squishy. Thoq talk chicken! Thoq say "Hi chicken!" Chicken look Thoq funny. Thoq give chicken apple. Chicken like! Chicken give Thoq egg. Thoq own chicken!! Thoq go show Thoq chicken Hogger. Hogger no like chicken. Thoq no like Hogger. Thoq squish Hogger. Pink skin cheer! Thoq cheer! Pink skin no Goibon Uden Lo! Thoq happy.

Thoq go tell pink skin Thoq happy. Pink skin no happy see Thoq. Pink skin chase Thoq. Thoq no monster! Thoq Ogre! Thoq get pretty stone. Pink skin bounce. Pink skin bounce like blue elf. Thoq wonder why bounce. Pink skin spring? Thoq no care. Thoq own chicken!!!!!

Pink skin city no happy see Thoq. Say "Thoq!" and "Thoq! Go away!" Sound like Thoq wife. Thoq no like go away. Thoq like cuddle. Pink skin no like cuddle. Pink skin like Thoq wife. Thoq miss Thoq wife. Thoq tired. Thoq sleep.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Thoq Love Dance!

Thoq happy. Thoq sit Ogre friend. Thoq ale. Ogre friend ale. Thoq like ale. Ogre friend like ale. Ale make Thoq happy. Thoq see squishy elf. Squishy elf and Thoq ogre friend ale. Thoq ale. Squishy elf like Thoq. Thoq think squishy elf need eat chicken. Thoq give squishy elf chicken. Squishy elf no want. Thoq eat chicken!
Squishy elf like Thoq. Thoq understand. Thoq fabulous phsyique. Thoq hear loud pink skin. Loud pink skin say "Band Thoq! Thoq like!" Thoq like dance. Thoq like band. Thoq thank pink skin. Pink skin loud Thoq. Thoq no like. Thoq ask nice quiet. Pink skin no like. Pink skin loud. Thoq give pink skin ale. Pink skin no want. Thoq drink ale. Thoq drink ale. Thoq drink ale. Thoq happy. Thoq no care Pink skin loud. Thoq want dance!

Thoq dance! Band come. Music good. Thoq drink ale. Thoq think ale like chicken. Good have lots. Thoq drink ale. Thoq bump squishy elf. Squishy elf no like. Thoq dancing fool. Squishy elf say Thoq fat. Thoq think Thoq beautiful butterfly.

Thoq go see Ogre. Thoq help ogre. Grok no remember, but ogre remember. Thoq point, Ogre kneel. Thoq fart, Orge fart. Thoq like. Thoq roar! Ogre roar! Thoq like people like Thoq.

Thoq see squishy elf hurt ogre. Thoq no like! Why squishy elf hurt Thoq friend? Thoq no understand. Thoq try. Ogre say, Thoq bad king. Thoq like better Ogre fart. Thoq fart. Ogre fart. Thoq eat chicken.

Thoq look ogre gift. Thoq see warp man. Thoq get warp man gift. Thoq get pretty stone warp man. Thoq ogre king. Thoq get Ogre gift? No. Thoq no get ogre gift. Thoq no know why. Thoq see chest. Thoq ogre gift? Thoq food chest? No. Thoq no food. Thoq no chicken. Thoq sad. Thoq look mail. No squishy elf fish. No leaf lady chicken. Thoq wonder leaf lady eat all chicken. Thoq want chicken! Thoq remember chicken Thoq bag. Thoq eat chicken.

Thoq tired. Thoq sleep.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Thoq go fishing!

Thoq hear food in water! Thoq excited. Thoq like food. Thoq find food! Thoq try learn fish. Thoq ask pink skin. Pink skin no want learn Thoq. Thoq no care. Thoq see boat. Thoq pretend pirate. Thoq Arg!

Thoq sail home. Thoq like home. Thoq like ogre. Ogre no ticks. Ogre happy see Thoq. Ogre Say "Why Thoq home?" Ogre say "Why no Thoq kill dragon?" Thoq say Thoq happy see Ogre. Ogre say "No Thoq chicken" Thoq say "Thoq okay. Thoq learn fish!" Ogre say "Fish fast. No Thoq catch." Thoq decide Thoq show Ogre. Thoq learn fish.

Thoq hear little greenie good fish. Thoq go little greenie. Thoq ask little greenie fish. Little greenie want many fish. Thoq go look fish.

Thoq meet squishy elf. Squishy elf trouble sharp tooths. Thoq no trouble. Thoq squish sharp tooth. Thoq watch Squishy elf. Squishy elf use stick catch fish. Thoq use hand. Thoq try catch fish. Fish fast! Thoq no catch fish. Squishy elf catch fish. Thoq catch sharp tooth. Squishy elf happy. Thoq happy. Thoq like help! Thoq decide Thoq keep squishy elf safe. Squishy elf really squishy. Thoq still no catch fish. Thoq eat apple. Thoq give fish apple. Fish no want. Thoq want fish! Thoq no fish. Thoq help squishy elf no die. Squishy elf happy Thoq no squishy elf die. Squishy elf say "Thoq want fish?" Thoq do want fish! Thoq happy. Thoq sit. Thoq wait fish.

Thoq eat cold fish. Thoq like fish. Squishy elf say hot fish good. Thoq try later. Thoq hungry. No wait hot fish. Thoq eat cold fish. Squishy elf ask good. Thoq say good! Thoq say taste chicken. Squishy elf say Thoq say all taste chicken. Thoq no know. Thoq maybe no discerning pallette. Thoq like chicken.

Squishy elf done fish. Thoq done fish. Thoq give chicken squishy elf. Thoq think squishy elf need bigger. No trouble sharp tooth. Thoq like fish. Thoq hope squishy elf send fish. Thoq still wait chicken from Leaf Lady. Thoq like chicken. Thoq want.

Thoq tired. Thoq sleep.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Thoq get chicken!

Thoq good day. Thoq make name under name! Thoq ask many squish elf, orc, long tusk. Most say, "Why Thoq talk like Thoq?" Squishy elf sign paper! Thoq give squishy elf pretty stone. Thoq happy.

Thoq come back. No paper sign! Squishy elf no pretty rock send Thoq. Squishy elf bad. Thoq no care. Thoq eat chicken. Thoq find pretty rock all time. Thoq use throw at big stomper. Thoq no care squishy elf pretty rock. Thoq mad squishy elf no paper sign. Thoq happy no give squishy elf chicken. Then Thoq be sad. Squishy elf no eat pretty rock. Squishy elf dumb. Thoq think Thoq smarter squishy elf. Then Thoq happy. Thoq smile squishy elf. Hope Thoq got right squishy elf. Still all look same.

Thoq get squishy elf sign paper. Thoq get orc sign paper. Leaf Lady ask Thoq, "What Thoq do?" Thoq say. "Thoq get name under name! Thoq paper sign." Leaf Lady ask Thoq go red orc place. Thoq no want go. Thoq want name under name! Leaf Lady say "Friend help!" Then Leaf Lady go away. Thoq sad. Leaf Lady like hug. Thoq like hug. Thoq no like tick. Thoq check tick after Leaf Lady hug. Leaf Lady still no send chicken. Thoq wait mail all day. Thoq check mail. Thoq no find chicken. Thoq hope chicken soon.

Leaf Lady friend squishy elf. Squishy elf sign Thoq paper. Thoq happy. Thoq give paper back orc. Orc say "Thoq! Name under name!" Thoq happy. Thoq go bank. Thoq buy bank space. Thoq no need shiny. Thoq need chicken! Thoq need chicken space. Thoq fill space chicken. Thoq happy. Thoq no listen dead not dead say "Thoq fat!" Thoq no fat. Thoq big bone. Thoq pretty. Thoq no bone like dead not dead. Thoq think dead not dead need eat more chicken. Cover bone. Thoq send dead not dead apple. Thoq think good start.

Thoq need chicken! Thoq more space put chicken! Thoq go red orc place. Squishy elf healer say "Thoq, you strong. You no hurt. Go fast." Thoq LIKE squishy elf healer. Thoq decide go fast. Thoq no stop. Thoq get many red orc, Thoq dead read orc. Thoq happy. Squishy elf healer happy. Sneaky orc happy. Thoq like go fast. Thoq go fast more.

Thoq see Dragon! Thoq no like dragon. Dragon bad. Dragon make Thoq home boom! Thoq no like. Thoq wonder dragon taste like chicken? Squishy elf say. "Thoq! Dragon take Thoq chicken!"

Thoq angry. Thoq go get chicken. Thoq squish loud red orc. Thoq squish hot dragon. Thoq no break sweat. Thoq strong. Thoq check. Thoq chicken! Thoq happy. Thoq eat chicken.

Thoq tired. Thoq sleep.

Thoq meet Leaf Lady

Thoq have very good day! Thoq met leaf lady. Thoq like leaf lady. Thoq, Leaf Lady, Sneaky Orc, Sneaky Long Tusk, and Squishy Elf go to red orc castle. Thoq hear big demon yell at Thoq. Thoq yell back. Thoq smush red orc. Red orc smush good. Sneaky orc and sneaky long tusk help. Squishy elf have bear! Thoq want bear! Thoq eat apple mad orc circle city and dream bear. Thoq nice bear. Thoq name bear Thaq. Thoq feed bear chicken. Thaq like chicken. Thoq happy.

Then Thoq friend ask "Where Thoq?" Thoq remember red orc bad. Thoq squish red orc. But Thoq no forget Thaq bear. Maybe Thoq get kitty. Thoq wonder kitty get banana. Thoq eat chicken.

Thoq find chest red orc castle! Thoq think food in chest! Thoq jump. Sneaky orc open chest! Thoq look. No food chest. Thoq sad. Thoq see chest again! Thoq very happy. Thoq jump. Sneaky orc open chest! No food chest. Thoq very mad. Thoq crazy mad. Thoq kill red orc. Thoq see demon. Thoq kill demon. Thoq see demon and red orc. Lot demon. Thoq no care. Thoq angry no food chest. Thoq roar. Thoq kill demon and red orc. Thoq still no food.

Thoq see sneaky red orc. Sneaky red orc no sneaky to Thoq. Thoq squish. Sneaky orc say "Thoq! Food on sneaky red orc!" Thoq excited! Thoq run back get food. hope chicken! Is chicken!! Thoq go eat chicken. Wait!!!! Leaf Lady take Thoq chicken. What Leaf Lady do Thoq chicken!?? LEAF LADY EAT THOQ CHICKEN!! Thoq shock. Thoq like chicken. Thoq want red orc chicken. Thoq like chicken. Leaf Lady like no chicken. Leaf Lady eat dirt. Leaf Lady eat water. Leaf Lady no eat Thoq chicken!! Thoq sad. Thoq very sad. Thoq no no care. Thoq care! Thoq like chicken!

Leaf Lady say "Leaf Lady get bucket of Thoq chicken. Give Thoq." Thoq hope bucket mean barrel. Thoq know barrel big. Hold lot chicken. Thoq happy. Leaf Lady hug Thoq. Thoq check for tick. Thoq no find tick. Thoq happy.
Thoq go find fire orc. Fire orc say "What Thoq do!?" Thoq say. "Thoq squish fire orc." Fire orc no like. Thoq no like fire orc no like. Leaf lady heal Thoq. Thoq squish fire orc. Fire orc say "Good Luck!" Thoq say "Thoq like fire orc dead. No talk." Fire orc no talk.

Thoq tired. Dream chicken. Dream bear. Maybe Thoq want kitty. Thoq like banana. Thoq name banana Thaq? Thoq sleep.

Thoq hunt big stompers

Thoq good afternoon. Thoq go hunt! Thoq get meat. Thoq think Nagarand need chicken. Nagarand no have chicken. Thoq hunt big stompers. Thoq like big stompers. Easy see big stomper. Thoq go stomp. Stomper go stomp. Thoq have sword. Stomper no sword. Thoq win!

Thoq see squishy elf and rock man. Thoq help! Squishy elf uncomfortable Thoq. Ask Thoq "why Thoq talk like Thoq?" Thoq no know. Thoq talk. Squishy elf no like Thoq talk. Thoq no care. Thoq eat chicken. Give chicken squishy elf. Squishy elf no want. Squishy elf give Thoq look. Thoq eat chicken. Thoq no look squishy elf. Thoq no like look.

Thoq notice many squishy elf. Thoq go circle city, squishy elf. Thoq go orc city, squishy elf. Thoq go bad elf place, squishy elf. Thoq go red city. MANY squishy elf. Thoq wonder why many squishy elf. Thoq wish more ogre. Thoq go home, see ogre. Thoq happy. Thoq eat chicken.

Thoq see squishy elf need help! Thoq try help. Squishy elf say "why help?" Thoq say "Like help!" Squishy elf no ask Thoq to help. Thoq ask help. Squishy elf no talk. Thoq watch squishy elf ask help many time. Thoq think squishy elf dumb. Big thing Thoq think you dumb. Thoq know that high bar. Be dumb to Thoq.

Thoq go black mountain. Thoq no good time. Thoq see squishy elf run away. Thoq wonder why squishy elf run away. Then Thoq see many little man run at Thoq. Thoq kill little man. Then Thoq kill more little man. But Thoq see little man all around Thoq. Thoq stomp! Little man hurt Thoq. Little man no like big stomper. Little man sword too. Thoq no like.

Thoq met squishy elf black mountain. Squishy elf make Thoq smart! Thoq think many things. Thoq forgot what Thoq think. But Thoq know good think. Thoq no care. Thoq eat apple from mad orc at circle city. Mad orc talk ogre army. Thoq try learn more, but Thoq no smart. Thoq no learn.

Thoq tired. Thoq sleep.

Thoq get vermifuge!

Thoq have more fun. Thoq meet many squishy elves. Squishy elves want go to red castle. Red castle where bad red elf live. Thoq been there many times! Get Thoq shield. Thoq go with four squishy elf. Thoq happy squishy elf forgive Ogres. Ogres cut stone and wreck forest in long ago time. Thoq give all squishy elf apple because Thoq now friends with squishy elf. Thoq have good supply of apples from mad orc in circle city.

Squishy elf all look alike to Thoq. Thoq think maybe squishy elf all look like to squishy elf too. Squishy elf keep getting close to other squishy elf and then squishy elf try to see differences. Thoq expect that why squishy elf always touch other squishy elf. Then squishy elf find differences! Thoq ask to check differences. Squishy elf no like Thoq's idea. Thoq no care. Thoq think all squishy elf look alike.

Thoq not get blue worm play nice with Thoq. Many blue worms. Thoq shout and shout, no help. Thoq stomp and stomp. no help. Thoq finish kill blue worms. Thoq sad all Thoq squishy elf dead. Squishy healer elf dead too. Thoq fail. Thoq sad. Thoq sit and eat to feel better. Thoq have magic bread from table. Tastes like chicken. Thoq like.

Squishy elf friend come back! Thoq happy! Thoq give all squishy elf chicken! No fake chicken for squishy friend. Chicken from Thoq's bag. Thoq like squishy elf friends. Thoq say sorry making worm all come. Squishy elf friend use big word. Thoq confused. Thoq hope big word means chicken.

Thoq and squishy elf friend meet bad red elf prince. Bad elf prince keep fire bird pet! Thoq want fire bird. Thoq try squish bad red elf prince. Thoq no do good. Fire bird keep trying give Thoq hug. Thoq no want hug. Thoq decide later better time squish bad elf prince.

Thoq hope Thoq not racist

Thoq find squishy elf today. All squishy elf look same to Thoq. Thoq hope Thoq not racist.

Thoq help squishy elf and bull man and kitty go cave. Many bad blue elf. Thoq squish for other squishy not blue elf. Thoq like squishing. Kitty give Thoq bread! Thoq happy. Kitty give Thoq banana! Thoq like banana. Not like chicken, but Thoq still like. Thoq wonder where Kitty get banana, but Thoq no care. Thoq eat banana.

Squishy elf ask Thoq be friends. Thoq happy. Thoq now friends with squishy elf. Get new name. Thoq now have name under name. Thoq wonder when armory show Thoq. Thoq okay though, Thoq just no remember name under name. Thoq sure good name. Thoq like.

Thoq keep looking for fancy squishy elf. No find. Thoq sad. Thoq want help fancy squishy elf.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thoq New

Thoq nice. Thoq new. Thoq come and look for people to help. Thoq find elf hurting ogre by town. Thoq no able to help ogre and ogre die. Thoq mad. Elf call Thoq orc. Thoq no help elf. Thoq no share food and laugh at elf. Elf call Thoq orc again. Thoq no care. Thoq like orc.

Squishy elf ask Thoq go kill bad red orcs. Then Thoq have many red orcs all around. Thoq rusty and no pull well. Squishy elf ask help, Thoq yell at bad orcs, then bad orcs attack Thoq. Thoq smush bad orcs. Thoq go over bridge and see big demon. Big demon yell "No over". Thoq yell "Is over!" Thoq like squish demon. Thoq like over.

Then Thoq kill dragon. Squishy elf and friends help. Thoq pleased. All squishy elf friends whisper Thoq and say thank you. Thoq like squishy elf and squishy elf friends. Thoq may have to send apple to squishy elf friend. Eat quail found all to Thoq's self though.

Thoq go big city, help bull man kill trogg. Thoq kill demon five times before demon give bull man cape bull man needed. Thoq pleased.

Thoq go circle city and help Grok. Grok no remember Thoq, but Thoq remember. Thoq made mad Orc mad. Thoq not sure where Ogre army is, but like sound of Ogre army. Thoq go back often to ask mad orc about ogre army.

Thoq tired, Thoq sleep.